Ce matin, Robyn Lawley, cette mannequin taille plus récemment popularisée par sa couverture du Magazine GQ Australia, a posté quelque chose de génial sur sa page Facebook. Sans en dire plus pour l’instant, voici son message :
The reason why I truly don’t like being called « plus size » is because I’m
worried girls and women will look at the label the fashion industry has
given me and compare their bodies to mine. For example, I often see
women commenting, « if she is plus size what does that make me? »It saddens me that women, especially young and impressionable girls, are bombarded with very certain body types and labels,
that our society unfortunately dictates we should be. It took me years
to get this notion out of my head and to look at my body and say « no,
it’s fine the way it is. I do not need to change, and no, I’m not plus
size. »I feel a women shouldn’t have to go into a department
store and be segregated into a « plus size » section, hence why I think
the label « plus size » is derogatory. Their size should be included on
the racks like everyone else. I’m trying to do this with my own swimwear
label.My intention is not to offend the community that
continually supports me and who has put my career on the map, when no
fashion labels would.I feel a social responsibility to promote size diversity. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, it always has and always will.
Que pourrait-on ajouter? Une réflexion qui met les points sur les i. Bravo Robyn! C’est avec des gens comme elle que le monde de la mode ne peut que changer pour le mieux.
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